God’s Number isn’t visible to the God Disconnected Mental Retard stuck mostly in 1st dimension. Therefore, the best way to comprehend exactly how God’s Unchanging Number Reason works is by timeplacing the 1st word of each word pair in the numerator or top number of a fraction. Out of 2 possible numbers, give it great value, like 2. In this example, 2 represents Greater Than. Now, timeplace the 2nd word of each word pair in the denominator or bottom number. Out of 2 possible numbers, give it least value, like 1. 1 represents Less Than. Notice how words change, and numbers do not.
You are looking at Simple Fraction 2/1 (2 over 1). If you don’t know 2 is greater than 1, do The Math. Your quotient is always going to be a whole or Real Number. Whole Number supported circumstances are most likely to properly produce the Greater [than] Reality [side]. The Greater the Reality, the closer to Heaven.
Test God’s Unchanging Number Reason by giving great value to the Less Than Reality side. Timeplace 1 in the numerator and 2 in the denominator, 1/2 (1 over 2). If you don’t know 1 is less than 2, do The Math. Your quotient is always going to be a partial or Illusionary Number. Partial Number supported circumstances are most likely to properly produce the Less Than Reality. The lesser the Reality, the closer to Hell.
Fact is: the more one calculates God’s Number Reason; the more one Number Comprehends God’s Principles of Peace. The more one Number Comprehends God’s Principles of Peace; the more one absolves. The more one absolves; the better one behaves. And when mostly model citizens dwell in a region over significant time, Rapid Death precursors like Severe Mental Retardation and Stupid Puny Human Weakness are most likely to never plague humanity; again.
If Divine Order is guaranteed to be the only way to make America great for the very first time, and you is over 30 earthyears and don’t donate to or support La Resa Edwards for Peacemaker President, yet you claim to “love America;” you are a Mentally Retarded anti-American in Reality. Therefore, do Us Balanced a favor and stop wasting precious time (kill yourself)!
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